The first YWAM Muskoka DTS (Discipleship Training School) was in 2013. It was hosted at Ontario Pioneer Camp in Port Sydney, Ontario. The two outreach locations for this first DTS were to First Nations Reserves throughout Ontario and the second location was to Haiti.
The following year our lecture phase location was moved to Muskoka Bible Centre (MBC) in Port Sydney. In 2014/2015 school teams did ministry outreaches to Namibia and another team to Venezuela and into the Amazon region of Brazil.
For our 2015/2016 DTS, we remained at MBC for our lecture phase, and lead three outreach locations: one to Mexico, one to Cuba, and another cycling tour up the Southern States along the Underground Railroad (the 'road' that lead black slaves to the freedom found in the 'North')
In the summer of 2016, God opened the door to 99 Spencer Street, Bracebridge. Currently, this location is the home for students and the place from which we disciple students for the lecture phase. A full story of this 'miracle' purchase and renovation can be seen in the YouTube video.
For the 2016-2017 outreaches students shared the gospel in Jamaica, Cuba, Lithuania, Poland, and Germany. and for 2018-2019 students traveled to England, Germany, and Cambodia.
YWAM Muskoka is also in partnership with MIHOP (Muskoka International House Of Prayer) and is strongly connected with several local churches of various denominations.
Through relationships, through servanthood, and through all aspects of life, we pray that God would use us to continue to bring His Kingdom here on earth.
YWAM Muskoka has a new location from the efforts of lots of volunteers and friends.
It was a journey similar to that of Nehemiah.
For more information on our location watch the video!